What People Are Saying!

Empowered Living: Goal Setting Testimonials

I think the goal setting program was excellent and I love the way you added scripture.
I am positive, this program will help me attain my goals .
This program helped me to refocus and become goal oriented once again.
The goal setting program is great; it offered very useful tools that can be applied in so many aspects of life.

Resilient Moms Self-Care Series Testimonials

“Stephanie did a wonderful job in providing space to just be. Often as a moms we make sure everyone else is well and that their needs are met. This was a reminder to take care of yourself too. I was able to take a moment for myself without feeling guilty. I was reminded of how worthy I am and deserving of moments to myself.”- Sherterica, Georgia

“This series was one of the the best series that I have ever taken. Through the information taught by Professor Epps, yours truly has learned a valuable lesson in self care. As a people pleaser, myself normally put others first. Going forward, I understand why its necessary to shift things in the proper place. The strength and knowledge that I have received from what I have learned is a life changer for me."- Jeanette, Georgia