If You're Stressed Out, Try Box Breathing

Hello There! How are you feeling? How is your energy? How is your spirit? Last week I was stressed to the MAX! My energy was super low and I was overwhelmed. My workload has increased in addition to changes in my business.

Last Wednesday, I literally told my boss I couldn’t take on anything else. I was at the point where stress and anxiety tip towards burnout. I almost quit my job last week. You’re probably like, “WHHAATT? Girl, you almost quit?? What happened? Why? What did they do? I thought you liked teaching.”

Friend, I have a good boss. I enjoy teaching and I’m a good professor. So why did I almost quit? Not because I don’t enjoy teaching. Not because I don’t have a great boss. Not because I don’t see or hear the positive impact I’m making on students. I almost quit because I was stressed out. I immediately stopped everything I was doing, emailed my therapist and focused on my breathing.

I implemented a breathing exercise called box breathing and quickly felt better. The heaviness on my shoulders and on my chest decreased. The brain fog reduced and I was able to make a better decision about what I need to do for my health. I am a holistic practitioner. I believe that mental, physical, and spiritual health are important. If one of those areas are out of alignment things get crazy. If you reflect back over your life, you too might recall times where you were stressed and made or nearly made a rush decision.

After implementing box breathing, I scheduled a meeting with my boss and we discussed ways to improve the environment and work load. If I hadn’t taken a moment to slow down and implement a tool that I know is helpful I would have a made another decision. Below is a link to a video for box breathing. If you are stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, this breathing exercise might be beneficial to you too.

Going forward my blogs are going to have more video content (more vlogs on the horizon), but you will also receive the occasional letter and tips to help you with wellness, burnout, and empowerment.

Be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel and share the blogs/vlogs with friends and family who can benefit from tools and strategies to decrease burnout, improve their wellness, and achieve their goals.

Box Breathing- A breathing exercise for feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed.