Last week I turned 35. At the start of 2020, I had chosen this year to be “the year of I am.” I had so many plans for 2020—but you know what happens when you plan things, right? The plans often don’t go the way you hope. I was supposed to go to London, Paris, and Bali this year; but of course, I didn’t make it to those places. I had planned to travel and push my business to the next level. Unfortunately, COVID-19 put a halt to those plans. At first, I was devastated emotionally due to the effects COVID-19 had on my patients, my friends, and my business.
It took me some time to pivot and adjust my attitude regarding the pandemic and its effect on my life. However, when I made the conscious decision to let go of sadness and negativity, I was able to see opportunity. I was able to see growth. I was able to appreciate the blessings and abundance that stood before me.
Attitude is everything. When you’re in a negative space, all you see is negative. If you’re like me and are usually a kind-hearted, giving, supportive, and positive person, you can quickly recognize when your energy and emotions are out of sorts. You begin to have poor sleep, eating, and wellness habits; and you know what that leads to right? Depression, anxiety, and anger.
It is imperative that you pull yourself up and out of that negative space or otherwise it will take over your thoughts, attitude, and physical wellness. Your wellness depends on your internal health just as much as your external. If you’re in a sad place or have baseline depression or anxiety you must be in tune with you. You must be able to quickly recognize the signs of depression before you get to that place of sadness or of anger.
It’s time to find ways to flip the switch from “why me” or “why is their life better than mine.” It’s time to change your attitude to one of “I am blessed”, “I am grateful”, “I am resilient”, “I am empowered.” You’re probably saying that’s easier said than done. However, if you choose to be open to the idea positivity, the idea of affirmations and mantras, you just might begin to feel and see the difference.
Since January 1, 2020, I have typed an “I am” affirmation/statement/mantra on my social media, hence “the year of I am” I mentioned earlier. Each “I am” statement guides my day. Sometimes, I return to my preferred affirmation (I am peace) and repeat it quietly to myself throughout the day.
Repeating that affirmation uplifts my spirits and allows me to walk in grace and in peace with my colleagues, my friends, and my patients. I have grown to be able to show compassion, grace, and understanding in new heights this year. It feels good to be able to hold space for people and be at peace with myself.
I’m going to give you 5 affirmations you can repeat to yourself or journal about over the next few weeks. I invite you to pick one and say it to yourself every day for the remainder of the year. At the end of 2020, let me know how that affirmation has changed your life. If you choose to commit. If you choose to change your attitude and be up to something bigger than yourself, you will change your life.
I changed my attitude and it changed my life. I let go of anger and sadness regarding 2020 and chose to be happy; I chose to be thankful for where I am right now and for the people who impact my life. For my 35th birthday I went to the mountains and visited wineries with some of my closest friends. If you’re in Georgia, make sure to visit Fainting Goat Vineyard and Enghelheim Vineyards. We hiked, laughed, danced, practiced yoga, and sang our hearts out. It was the perfect way to restore, reset, and refresh our minds, hearts, and bodies.
Change your attitude, change your life.
Below are your 5 affirmations to repeat and journal on.
1. I am strong
2. I am happy
3. I am peace
4. I am worthy
5. I am resilient