Shoot Your Shot

Hey Friend! It’s hump day.  Here is your midweek check in…How are you feeling today? What are you grateful for?

Today you have been granted another opportunity. You woke up with breath, site, and wisdom. You have the knowledge and capability of doing anything you want.

What do you desire? What will you do with the dream that lives in your heart? How will that dream become a reality?

Friend, I receive emails and direct messages from women who say they want to change their lives. After these messages I ask what steps they are taking to reach their goals. The answer is usually nothing, to which I then ask why. There are various reasons or barriers, but I don’t stop at their reason. I dig deeper and ask them the tough questions, the impactful questions that require reflection and work. I then offer suggestions.

I know (yes, I do know) that there is something that you desire to do, somewhere you desire to go, or something you want to change. Imposter syndrome, uncertainty, fear, pride, and many other internal and external factors contribute to why you don’t act. 

Shoot your shot friend. What’s the worst thing that can happen? What will you do if that “thing” does happen? Most likely, you will be no worse off by trying. 

Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. You won’t ever know what is possible if you don’t try. Go after those goals. Speak up. Start therapy. Apply for that job. Do what you want. What if the time you take that leap of faith you soar?

I’ll share someone with you. I submitted a proposal to contribute to the Black Girl In Om online publication. It has been 4.5 months and I have not heard anything. It is safe to assume that my proposal was not accepted. Am I upset? No. Am I sad? No. Do I desire to know where I can improve to be considered for the future? Yes.

There is no need for me to be sad or angry. Instead of those feelings, I sit with an open mind and heart to be and do better. Every opportunity is not meant for me. Just like every person or situation is not for you. 

I will let this experience be a catalyst to improve and grow for other opportunities.

If you desire something, go after it. Shoot your shot. You will never know what is possible if you don’t try.

Day 1 over 1 day.