Where Have You Been?

Where have you been? Are you okay? What have you been up to? These are the questions I’ve received in my email and private messages. I thank you all for checking in and sharing how you’ve missed the blogs and our Tea Time gatherings. Outside of posting my day-to-day life on my IG stories, I haven’t been sharing in depth content on any platforms.

Y’all, I haven’t written a blog in 19 months or uploaded a YouTube video in 2 years. Time moves swiftly. I think time started going faster after becoming a mother. If you’re a parent, sit with that a moment……Do you think life began to “fly by” after your babies were born?

Anywho, I have to say it’s been peaceful and stress FREE not having to write or record. I haven’t been checking statistics or caring about the algorithm. Friends, I’ve been living and loving and delving into joy. It has felt sooooooo GOOD not to care or worry or focus on the internet or who followed or unsubscribed from my content.

Have I missed you all? Yes. Am I back for good? I hope so (insert shrug).

So what have I been up? I moved my yoga studio, accepted a new job, traveled for work and personal enjoyment, and doubled down on my wellness (physical, mental, and financial).

I’m trying to decide, should I write all the things in this 1 blog, summarize, or make some vlogs.

Research has shown that people (not you..lol), have short attention spans (thank you Covid and social media) and don’t like to read. Therefore audio or combination of audio and video are the preference. Due to this I am going to film some vlogs on these topics and load them to YouTube. Look for these in the coming weeks.

For now, here’s the summary:

1. The building my yoga studio was housed in was sold and we had to either close the doors permanently or find a new space. As you know, we found a new space and are rocking and rolling (thank you Lord).

2. For the last 2.5 years I have worked PRN as an NP. In the summer of 2023 I accepted a full-time NP position that is flexible and impactful. It is what worked best for my family and my purse (financial freedom).

3. Mexico, California, Utah, Colorado, and Florida are a few of the places I have traveled. I’m looking forward to catching more flights as I’ve already caught feelings for Shug (married 13 years as of August).

4. Holistic health and wellness is a priority for me and hopefully for you. I have been nourishing my body and mind by moving for at least 15 minutes every day, consuming fruits and vegetables, and reading/listening to inspirational podcasts and books. In the realm of holistic wellness, I have started budgeting and implementing the cash envelope system. Life changes for the better, when you’re energized, nourished, and when your wallet/accounts have more breathing room.

Hopefully, you’re still reading and are willing to be a part of a holistic wellness community.

I’m planning to share weekly (fingers crossed) videos on YouTube on all things health/wellness (product reviews included), and financial wholeness on my channel. A new video will be uploaded today, so please subscribe to the channel if these topics interest you. Also, I will continue to share the day-to-day of life on Instagram and maybe I’ll cross share to TikTok. No commitments to IG/TikTok, because social media stress/pressure isn’t something I want or need.

Thank you for welcoming me back into your emails and I look forward to sharing more with you.

Go be great!

BIG FAITH! My First Vlog

Hello Family! How are you? I hope well. How are you spirits? Are you holding up okay? How’s your faith? Have you been showing up for yourself? Let me know; seriously, I’m actually one of those people who genuinely care and want to see you filled with joy.   

Fam let tell you, I have been mentally preparing to write my “BIG FAITH” blog for weeks. Yes, I said….weeks!! You’re probably thinking, “Steph, I’ve received your blogs and event letters. How have you not written this faith blog yet?” Well friend, this is why, I have wavered. I have been on a seesaw, a pendulum if you will, about what do. I have been uncertain. I wasn’t certain in my spirit, in my heart of hearts about what actions I should take, where to go, or what to believe. I did not have clarity; and you know clarity is a requirement in order to progress.

On October 9, 2020 I started writing my “BIG FAITH” blog. You know I write about faith and doing the work to achieve your dreams and reach your full potential. As I was writing my blog, I was well into page 2 when I stopped. I said “Steph, nobody is going to read this blog. It’s going to be too long.” I then said to myself, “Steph, make a vlog instead.” So that’s what I did. I recorded this vlog on faith, commitment, action, and outcomes. This vlog is my story; it’s my truth of my second baby, my business “Indigo Soul Yoga.” This vlog tells you where I came from, where we are now, and what’s next. I hope you can sit down, sip some tea, and take a listen. The link is below. If you find value in the vlog or think it might motivate or help someone else make sure to share it with them.


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