Are You in Crisis? Is Everything Okay?

I bet those questions got your attention. They were meant to. Earlier this week, I told my spouse that I needed to schedule a session with my therapist. The first thing he said was, “is everything okay.” I responded, “yes, I’m good.” I went on to tell him that therapy isn’t only for when you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or at your breaking point (AKA crisis).

Therapy is health maintenance. Therapy is prevention. Therapy gives you/me/us an opportunity to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with an unbiased individual. Therapy as maintenance allows for ongoing reflection and introspection.

I don’t know about you, but I have family, friends, and associates who think that you only go to MDs/NPs/PAs, Dentists, Physical Therapists, Psychotherapists, etc when you’re having a problem. This thought process needs to change. If we want to “be well” and age gracefully we must take care of ourselves prophylactically.

Think about your car. Do you only go to the auto shop when your car starts smoking or making a funny noise? My hope is that your answer is no. You go to the auto shop for an oil change, tire rotation and balance, brake fluid flush, etc.

You want your car to be in excellent condition so that you can get to the places you need and want to go to. You know that car repairs can be expensive. Instead of waiting until an emergency occurs, you take small steps to maintain the “health” of your vehicle.

The same way you take care of your car, you must take care of yourself.

Go to the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning, X-rays/assessment, etc. Go to your healthcare provider annually for a physical/labs. If you have a medical diagnosis, follow your healthcare providers recommendations on the frequency of reassessments.

Friend don’t wait until you have mouth pain or you’re experiencing daily headaches/vomiting/numbness for months to be evaluated. The longer you wait, symptoms become more severe and treatment more expensive.

Go to the physical therapist for health maintenance, strengthening, and prevention. Mama’s go to PT for pelvic floor issues and diastasis recti concerns. Mama’s you can schedule PT during pregnancy not only after.

I digress. You get it. You understand.

Preventative care is wellness. Preventative care is health. Don’t worry what your co-workers, family, or friends might say. Prioritize your health and wellness. Prioritize you.

If you’re searching for medical providers and cost is a barrier, check out income based or sliding scaled clinics in your area.

Dental schools offer treatment at low cost where students provide supervised treatment. Better Help and Talkspace are some options for budget friendly mental healthcare. Some PTs also offer a sliding scale option to receive treatment.

Lastly some community healthcare clinics offer a variety of services in house based on income. This allows a “one stop shop” approach for overall health maintenance and prevention.

Don’t allow other people to be a barrier to you caring yourself. Educate yourself on resources and available options so you can live a long, happy, and healthy life.

Be Well.

Where Have You Been?

Where have you been? Are you okay? What have you been up to? These are the questions I’ve received in my email and private messages. I thank you all for checking in and sharing how you’ve missed the blogs and our Tea Time gatherings. Outside of posting my day-to-day life on my IG stories, I haven’t been sharing in depth content on any platforms.

Y’all, I haven’t written a blog in 19 months or uploaded a YouTube video in 2 years. Time moves swiftly. I think time started going faster after becoming a mother. If you’re a parent, sit with that a moment……Do you think life began to “fly by” after your babies were born?

Anywho, I have to say it’s been peaceful and stress FREE not having to write or record. I haven’t been checking statistics or caring about the algorithm. Friends, I’ve been living and loving and delving into joy. It has felt sooooooo GOOD not to care or worry or focus on the internet or who followed or unsubscribed from my content.

Have I missed you all? Yes. Am I back for good? I hope so (insert shrug).

So what have I been up? I moved my yoga studio, accepted a new job, traveled for work and personal enjoyment, and doubled down on my wellness (physical, mental, and financial).

I’m trying to decide, should I write all the things in this 1 blog, summarize, or make some vlogs.

Research has shown that people (not, have short attention spans (thank you Covid and social media) and don’t like to read. Therefore audio or combination of audio and video are the preference. Due to this I am going to film some vlogs on these topics and load them to YouTube. Look for these in the coming weeks.

For now, here’s the summary:

1. The building my yoga studio was housed in was sold and we had to either close the doors permanently or find a new space. As you know, we found a new space and are rocking and rolling (thank you Lord).

2. For the last 2.5 years I have worked PRN as an NP. In the summer of 2023 I accepted a full-time NP position that is flexible and impactful. It is what worked best for my family and my purse (financial freedom).

3. Mexico, California, Utah, Colorado, and Florida are a few of the places I have traveled. I’m looking forward to catching more flights as I’ve already caught feelings for Shug (married 13 years as of August).

4. Holistic health and wellness is a priority for me and hopefully for you. I have been nourishing my body and mind by moving for at least 15 minutes every day, consuming fruits and vegetables, and reading/listening to inspirational podcasts and books. In the realm of holistic wellness, I have started budgeting and implementing the cash envelope system. Life changes for the better, when you’re energized, nourished, and when your wallet/accounts have more breathing room.

Hopefully, you’re still reading and are willing to be a part of a holistic wellness community.

I’m planning to share weekly (fingers crossed) videos on YouTube on all things health/wellness (product reviews included), and financial wholeness on my channel. A new video will be uploaded today, so please subscribe to the channel if these topics interest you. Also, I will continue to share the day-to-day of life on Instagram and maybe I’ll cross share to TikTok. No commitments to IG/TikTok, because social media stress/pressure isn’t something I want or need.

Thank you for welcoming me back into your emails and I look forward to sharing more with you.

Go be great!

In Order to Heal You Must Feel

Sickness, Job loss, Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Stress, Uncertainty--Do these words resonate with you? Friend, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. As a wife, mom, healthcare provider, and wellness + personal growth advocate, I have experienced these emotions as well.

With the murder of George Floyd, men and women around the world have a heightened sense of anger, disappointment, and fear.  People are responding by protesting and rioting.

Friend we have a choice to come together as one for humanity. We must use our voices to uplift each other, transform as individuals, and as a nation. Transformation starts inside. 

Are you ready to drop what you know and step into possibility? In order to heal we must feel. Healing begins with self and spreads outwardly to family, friends, and communities.

Beginning Monday, June 1, 2020 I am hosting a free virtual event for 30 days of transformation. 30 days of transformation is designed to set a foundation for clarity, peace, stamina, and strength. These life practices are needed so that you can move forward into healing and into your destiny.

My hope is that the clarity and strength that you find in the next 30 days, not only helps you individually, but translates into your relationship with friends and colleagues, and moreover into your community. 

Now you may be asking, “What is 30 days of transformation?”  Friend, 30 days of transformation is an opportunity to delve deep within yourself and works towards becoming the best person you can be.

30 days of transformation is a journey of movement, meditation, and reflection. I will offer you a daily topic to reflect or journal on, a 5-minute meditation, and 5 sun salutations. If yoga isn’t your jam you can complete any other type of physical activity (walking, running, cycling, swimming, golf, etc).

During these 30 days, you will set a goal or a dream that will help fuel your desire to complete this journey of transformation. Write down your goal and look back over it during this next month.

You will not be alone over the next 30 days. I will be here to support you. Our community of transformation participants will be supporting you and holding you accountable for moving forward into a place of possibility, peace, and prosperity.

I will be sharing the daily topic for reflection and meditation on my Facebook Page (Professor Epps) and on my Instagram (Professor Epps). If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me a message or you can email me directly at .

If you know anyone who would benefit from this journey of transformation, share this blog post with them.

With Gratitude,


30 days  (1).png

Start your 30 days of transformation

Reminder: You Don’t Have to Be Skinny to Practice Yoga

Over the last few weeks I have returned to recording yoga videos and wellness tutorials. I chose to design these videos as a way to help people navigate the practice of yoga and glean knowledge on a holistic approach to wellness. However, I’ve been struggling with watching myself on the videos. Ummmmmmm yeah me, your extroverted, happy go lucky, empowerment, positive speaking, lover of life, encourager of others friend.

I too battle the outward image, the ego, and self-worth based on appearance. I try not to live in the past but it’s hard not to. I was in tiptop shape, physically, mentally, and spiritually before my daughter was born. I think I was most happy with myself up until about 7 months into my pregnancy. My partner and I were in such an amazing place in our marriage, I was working a job I loved (although it wasn’t easy), and I was physically in excellent health. Before pregnancy, I was a lean size 4 with a 4pack, 17% body fat, running marathons, practicing yoga, and spending time with the people I loved most.

After princess was born it was hard to figure out how to balance the increasing responsibilities of work, being a wife and a mom, and exercising. My self-care has been up and down for about 3 years. During that time, I chose to pursue my doctorate and open my yoga studio. Now you’re thinking “what the heck is wrong with you Steph, why would you take on more when you were already overwhelmed.” Friend, I chose to purse my doctorate because I transitioned into higher education and I needed a terminal degree. I opened Indigo Soul because I felt I was led to have a safe place on the southside for a diverse group of people to embrace the practice of yoga as a lifestyle and not just exercise.   

In 2019, I started truly working on me. I am usually the person who pours energy, light, and love into others. This goes for my family, friends, college students, patients, and yoga students. Last year I began to focus on me. I’ve been working from the inside-out and it hasn’t been easy. I have been working out at Orange Theory Fitness and have been focused on my internal and external yoga practice.

I know you all know that yoga surpasses your physical abilities and how you look. This is something I tell my yoga students and friends all the time. Yoga is a philosophical lifestyle that teaches you to be the best person for yourself and for this world. The saying “treat others how you want to be treated” is appropriate for yoga because that’s what it is: truthfulness, non-violence, non-possessiveness, vitality, contentment, purity, self-study, discipline, and devotion to something greater.

Although, I know that yoga doesn’t care about your size or abilities, my personal insecurities came to light with recording the yoga tutorials. This past Saturday I recorded a video explaining high crescent lunge and low lunge. The first thing I said when I saw the first 20 seconds of the video was “oh my arms look huge.” This was followed by, “Where’s my other shirt, I need a long sleeve shirt.” Yes, me, Stephanie, I said those things. Next, I said “okay great my shirt and pants are black; black makes you look slimmer.” My nephew is the coordinator for my studio and he’s a tech guru, so of course he helps me with the videos. Friend, picture this, a 19-year-old male shaking his head and saying, “who told you that” (referring to wearing black). I proceeded to say, “fashion and marketing.” He then says, “you look great and the video was awesome.”

At the time, I wasn’t hearing him, periodt (in my Rickey Thompson voice). His statement went in one ear and out the other. We proceeded to re-record the video (because I was adamant it had to be redone) and I shared it on YouTube and on my studio’s private Facebook group. Over the last 4-5 weeks of recording videos my self-consciousness has come up a few times, but I think this last week was the worst.

I wasn’t going to share all my personal issues regarding my outward appearance with you; but one of my best friends commented on this specific video about how beautiful I looked and that I’m beautiful inside and out. Unbeknownst to her, this comment was the push I need to speak on this topic. As a leader, teacher, healthcare provider and wellness advocate I know that wellness and health are not based on appearance. I know that the practice of yoga is not about my physical being but the deeper work that I am doing.

However, I felt led to share that I, along with many of you deal with self-consciousness related to weight. I choose not to remain in a negative headspace related to my size. Instead I choose to encourage myself to continue my journey of self-care, health, and wellness one day at a time. I’m not skinny but I am strong inside and out. Yes, I can complete advanced asana (yoga poses), but what’s so much more important is that I’m allowing my light to shine through work in my studio and on my job. I have the privilege of helping men and women like you realize that they are worthy, important, and deserve self-care.

Friend, this blog serves as a reminder to you and to me that outward appearance does not determine our worth or ability to change lives. You (we) don’t have to be skinny to do yoga. The real work of yoga is in changing our mindset and attitude towards ourselves and towards others.

As I tell my students, “Do the work.” That’s the only way anything changes. Do the internal work to become your best self.

In a moment of full transparency, here’s the original photo from last weeks video.


I’m Black & Most of My Yoga Students Are White

I’m a 34-year old African-American female and I own a yoga studio. I live OTP. If you’re not from ATL, that’s outside of the perimeter of Interstate 285. I-285 is an interstate that loops the Atlanta city limits. My studio is about 30 minutes from Atlanta but still considered “metro Atlanta.”

Atlanta is hot right now. Many people are relocating for opportunity, advancement, affordable living, and abundant possibility. To balance work, life, and all the things people have turned to the practice of yoga. Yoga is a mind, body, and spirit wellness practice. The city of Atlanta has tons of yoga studios. The burbs’ have fewer options for places to practice yoga.

For many years, US marketing suggested that yoga was meant for young, thin, middle-upper class white women. It’s only been about 5 years that companies have diversified their marketing to include plus size, people of color, veterans, men, first responders, children, and older adults. I applaud organizations for finally trying to remove their blinders to the disparity and misinformation regarding who yoga is for.

Yoga as a wellness practice is life changing. I opened my studio, Indigo Soul Yoga to help people recognize the brilliance and power that lie within their soul. ISY in its infancy was an outlet for people to be and live in authenticity. I never thought about race or gender. It wasn’t until 2019 where it really hit me that I’m black, yet have very few black yoga students.  

When I started my company, I wanted people on the southside to have access to yoga without having to drive into the city. Let me give you some history, Indigo Soul Yoga, LLC was formed in December 2016 from my home. I used to offer classes on Saturday and Sunday. Most of the people that came to my classes were black women. There were a few Hispanic, bi-racial and white women that attended but mostly black. Every blue moon one of the ladies would bring their male partner/spouse to class. As I moved from my home to sublet another space the students changed; there were more white people and more athletes. Most of the students who attended classes at my house stopped coming….and most haven’t come back (reality of small business).

When I opened my first brick and mortar studio in 2017, I was a solopreneur. The day my studio opened there were quite a few people of color who attended, several of which were friends who wanted to show support. After the grand opening most of the students who came through the doors were white women, with a periodic sprinkling of brown/black, and a few men here and there.

One year later I relocated to a larger space with more foot traffic, more students, more teachers, and more classes. I have a diverse team of teachers, white, black, Hispanic, male, female, ages 20-60, and with varying political opinions. What has remained constant over time, is that most of the students are white women (early 30s-40s). I probably have as many men that attend class on a regular basis as black women. I am usually one of those people who don’t look at race and just take people as they are. However, while completing my doctoral studies and analyzing data which included race and gender, I began to think about these 2 factors in my own organization.

On a global scale, I want people to feel safe, comfortable, and informed in my studio. Most people who attend classes say they feel welcome, challenged, and educated on options for poses, meditation, and breath work. What I don’t understand is why the brown/black women who start attending class don’t continue. I find this fact interesting, as most men (black and white) who attend classes continue as their schedule allows but the women of color don’t. In the past I have offered $5 yoga, free yoga in the park, and other discounts to help make yoga affordable for all people. I have spoken to other yoga studio owners and yoga teachers and have received interesting advice such as, “offer trap yoga,” “offer sensual yoga,” “offer twerk yoga,” “sex-ed,” and more.

I have to say those are great ideas, but they aren’t me. I have to remain true myself. If I want my students to stand in authenticity and speak their truth, then I must do the same. I’m not one for gimmicks and tricks. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy trap music, but trap yoga isn’t the direction I’m meant to go. If I plan to own my studio, my brand, and be an ever evolving me, trap/twerk/sensual yoga isn’t going to be part of the plan when I’m 60 years old.

I have taught urban flow and hip-hop yoga before. They were fun classes but not something that I want to offer 7 days a week. I have offered and will continue to offer specialty events and workshops that align with my spirit and that of my organization. Over the last several months, I have continued to think what can be done to reach more people of color and men. I have received ideas of reaching out to male dominant organizations, as well as organizations that focus on people of color. I have made some contacts, but they didn’t result in class attendance.

One of my teachers, Octavia Raheem told me “keep doing what you’re doing. It matters and makes a difference. We don’t plant seeds and reap harvest in the same season.” This statement was so powerful that I reflect back on it frequently. When entrepreneurship gets hard, I remind myself to continue planting the seeds and watering them; my harvest will come.

After reading all of this you are likely saying, “so now what; you still don’t have many black women or men coming to your classes.” My response is oh well. I am doing the work that I have been called to do. What I have learned over the last 3 years is that every student is not my student. Students come and go. Those who stay are meant to be for a season and I know that they too will go on. In my spirit, I know I have been called to work and pursue my passion of wellness and empowerment through yoga, meditation, and rest.

I now realize that I must remain steadfast and true to my core values and mission. The people that I am meant to reach will be reached. The lives I am meant to help change will be changed. I choose to continue to do the work. I choose to continue to show up for my students. If there are 20 students or 1 student, each receives 110% from me.

If you are a woman of color or man that desires to grow in your yoga practice, I’m here for you. If you are not a woman of color, or a man, I am here for you as well. My studio has a motto “All are welcome here.” I desire for all people and all abilities to have access to yoga, just like all people need access to healthcare. If you have questions on starting a yoga practice in person, or from home feel free to drop me a message and I’ll be happy to help you.


2019 basically said, "But Did you Die Though?"

Hey Fam!! It’s 2020 and I am sooooooo ready for all the goodness that this year has to offer. 2019 was ROUGH. Let me tell you again, 2019 was ROUGH. During a few father-daughter advice chats, my father has told me, “If you haven’t had a lil’ rain, wait a while.” You may be asking, what does that even mean? Well, let me tell me you; it means, if you haven’t had some bad days, just wait because you will experience a bad day; we all go through rough seasons, but we can overcome them.

Fam let me tell you, 2019 brought the rain, the storm, the hurricane, and then some! But I survived! We survived! We made it through! I know several of you responded to my last self-care blog sharing that life had been crazy and you let your self-care practice go. Well, I’m here to tell you, you are not alone.

In 2019, life tried to get the best of me. The outside world tried to bring me down, BUT I didn’t let it keep me down. I dealt with the crap and bad experiences. I dealt with the sadness, the self-doubt, the negative talk, and the idea that I’m not enough. I have dealt with all the bad juju and am ready to receive the abundance that God and the universe has for me. Are you ready to step into greatness? Are you ready to choose abundance? I’m talking about abundance of joy, peace, happiness, love, and wellness. As a bonus, I’m sure you are okay receiving abundance of finances too….I know I am; LOL!

Now, you may be thinking, here she comes with that “New Year, New Me” stuff; but no friend, that’s not what I’m about to say. Not at all. I let go of that “New Year, New Me” and “New Year’s Resolutions” stuff a few years ago. Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean I or you need to change or resolve to do something or become someone else.

Rather than resolving to do or be, I have chosen to live intentionally. I choose to live with the intention of being mindful and of being present in my self-care. I choose to live with the intention of self-love, of kindness, and of charity. I know that living intentionally will lead to the abundance and freedom that I deserve and that you deserve. I invite you to live intentionally, be present, and show up for yourself.

My 2020 has started off on a positive note. I feel at peace. I have joy. I’m in a really positive place with my spouse, my job, and with my business. As a small business owner, it’s a huge accomplishment to be able to pay all the expenses from the business account rather than from my family’s personal account. Two years later, my studio is finally in the black (#bigdeal) and I’m pumped. I’m not saying ISY is rolling in dough…..let’s be real I won’t be resigning from my employer, but it’s nice to finally see the tiny financial growth, when I’ve worked extremely hard to share the healing properties of yoga and meditation.

Here’s another positive tidbit for 2020: Two days ago, a local magazine, We Are Henry, published an article that I am featured in. The title of the article is “Movement as a Medicine.” When I saw the article, I teared up. It felt amazing to see my passion for wellness, yoga, and meditation on paper.

Let me tell you guys something, two years ago when I opened my first free standing studio, I wanted to advertise in this magazine, but I couldn’t afford it. You see how patience, persistence, and intentions pays off? I received a call in the Fall of 2019 about a wellness and yoga interview for the magazine. When, they asked me, you know I said yes.

I met with the author, Aisha at Starbucks and we talked and laughed for at least an hour. The magazine’s photographer came to one of my heated classes to take pictures for the article (he was surprised the class was hot) and I thought the photos would be awful because I was sweating like crazy and the class was sweating, so I just knew it was going to be a HOT mess (LOL). BUT fam I was wrong. I WAS WRONG. The pictures turned out amazing and the article was beautifully written.

If you’re still reading, I wrote all of the above to let you know it is important to live with intention. It is important to be patient, persistent, and resilient. When the dark days come, know that it’s not the end. You are not alone. The sun will come out again. Remember your self-care, remember your intentions.

If you enjoy yoga, or are interested in yoga, and are ready to set your intentions and visions for 2020 and beyond join me at my Yin Yoga & Vision Board Party on January 17th.

Sending you all love, light, and positive intentions for your year.

~Stephanie Epps


Social Media: Are You an Influencer?

Do you have social media? Do you check Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat on a regular basis? Social media has become one of the leading tools for communicating and marketing. I have accounts for IG and FB. I have friends with Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and more. Navigating social media can be a daunting task. I barely have enough time to scroll IG and FB; so, adding other platforms is out of the question for me. I’m just trying to #getmylife and learn how to engage on my FB/IG pages.

 As an entrepreneur, I have made several attempts to listen to podcasts, read articles, and read PDF files on Facebook and Instagram. I could never figure out the algorithms of social media. Therefore, when Facebook offered the “Boost with Facebook” event I had to make it to a few of the classes. My dear friend, Nicole, owner of Crumbles by Nicole, and I attended this event together. The goal was to glean some knowledge on how to expand our reach and knowledge of these platforms. I learned about multiple facets of Facebook, including the pixel, boosted posts versus Facebook ads, planning content, cross advertising between Facebook and Instagram, and more.  

This event was free over the course of 2 days. There were several topics that I was well versed in; such as stories, insights, and messages, and more. However, I must say the time I spent at the event was worth it. I received some exclusive information at this event and met several small business owners from the Atlanta area. The networking alone increased my awareness of various affordable marketing avenues; how to speak to my audience and ignited my excitement on the work that I do. 

Now, you may be asking how many followers did I get after this event? Answer……none. Attending the boost event was to obtain information that I could implement over time that would lead to me reaching more people in various manners and ultimately make a difference in my community. There isn’t any get rich quick scheme or an exact “how to” manual.

You may be saying to yourself, Stephanie what was the purpose of attending the Boost with facebook event if you didn’t gain 100s of followers afterwards? The purpose was to listen and to learn. If I don’t sit still and listen, I can’t grow.  

And to be honest with you, I do not care about being a social media influencer or having thousands of followers. Life and entrepreneurship go beyond social media. My mission is to inspire, educate, and empower men and women through yoga, health, and wellness. I am passionate about connecting with people that need healing, peace, and joy. I know my purpose in life is to help people reach their full potential through a holistic approach to life and overall wellness.

 Mental, physical, and spiritual wellness are a requirement for health. Social media and followers do not dictate who I am or the work that I am meant to do. My goal has never been to be an influencer. I desire to be a friend, a mentor, and a light worker. What do you desire? What is your passion? What is your purpose? I invite you to look at your heart, reflect on your spirit, and see what you are called to do. Resist the urge to let social media or followers determine your worth. Stand in your truth. Stand in your power and know that you are meant for more, much more than what the internet tells you. 

Wherever your purpose and passion lie, that is where you must do the work. Share your story and your vision, but resist getting sucked into the rabbit hole of what social media tells you to be. Walk in your passion, walk in your purpose, and #dothework.
