Health Is Wealth

2022 has arrived, the world is still crazy, and we are all just trying to keep our heads above water. I’m sure that with the new year, you are inundated with emails, commercials, and social media posts on weight loss, “detoxing,” clean eating, and “new year, new me” statements. Every year thousands of people make resolutions to change or make steps in a new direction.

Instead of resolving to do something, set an intention, or choose a word to guide your year. For 2022 my word of the year is possibility. In September 2021 I embarked on a program called 75 Hard.

My dear friend Nicole, owner of Crumbles by Nicole shared this program with me. Let me tell you about it. 75 Hard is 75 consecutive days of two 45 minute workouts (1 is supposed to be outside), a diet of your choice (I’m not a fan of dieting so I chose a healthy pescatarian nutrition plan), reading 10 pages of a nonfiction book, absence of alcohol consumption, no cheat meals, drink a gallon of water, and take a progress picture.

I chose 75 hard because I was in a “rut” with my nutrition. I was eating KitKats and kettle cooked chips 5 out of 7 days a week, eating unbalanced meals (or not eating), and my blood pressure was elevated (systolic 130s) at 2 separate doctor’s appointments. It was at my second appointment that I said I had to do something. Hypertension is hereditary in my family as it is for many other black and brown people. My parents have high blood pressure and my grandparents had it. At the time of my doctor’s appointment I knew that I could not continue on the salty and sweet path that led to taking antihypertensives. I did not want to take medication, nor did I want the repercussions of prolonged high blood pressure (headache, fatigue, dizziness, kidney disease, etc).

As a healthcare and wellness provider I believe in being an example to my patients and to my yoga students. I knew that I couldn’t out exercise a poor diet and had to take purposeful action for me to be well.

Nicole and I were at a local park walking when she told me about 75 Hard. I researched the program and made the decision to take back control of my life. You’re probably wondering was the program difficult; 1-word answer: yes. Although it was hard, the program was doable. The hardest part was making time for a second workout. After the first month things got easier. I mentally and physically felt better with more clarity and self-awareness. As a bonus I lost 14 pounds and my blood pressure decreased 20 points (now systolic 115). 

I coasted through the holidays and got sick at the first of the year. As I was recovering, I received some news about the healthcare of one my family members. I was informed that my loved one received a new diagnosis which is thought to be related to uncontrolled hypertension. This was confirmation that prioritizing physical and mental health is a requirement. There is nothing worth a decline in your health.

Health is wealth. There is no price one can place on health. I spoke with my family member for about 45 minutes regarding their diagnosis, treatment plan, and non pharmacological options. We discussed mindset and I shared my word of the year; “possibility.” What is possible when you choose to be intentional? How can your life change for the better?

Friend don’t resolve to be healthy, or to lose 20 pounds, or to sleep 8 hours a night. Instead be intentional, be purposeful with your wellness and self-care. Mental, physical, and spiritual health equals wealth.

If you need a little more self-care, a reduction in your stress, and relaxation join me for a livestream 30-minute stretch and restorative yoga class. Self-care, health, and wellness are your birthright. Make time to prioritize your health.

The first stretch, de-stress, and rest class for working women and mothers was on 1/16/2022. I am offering a second class on Sunday, 1/23/2022 at 8:30pm. Let this class be one of the intentional actions you take to improve your wellness. You deserve to have 30 minutes to focus on you.

Are You Living Intentionally?

Hey Friend!! I’m back! Bringing you another blog. It’s all about living with intention. Two weeks ago, I let you know that I am living life on purpose and making decisions to change the trajectory of my life. With the plan to live intentionally, I have to show up and do the work. If I tell you to do the work, I have to do the same.  

For the last 5 years I have been saying I want to have fresh flowers at my house. Not a big fancy bouquet from a florist; but a simple bouquet from my local market. This is my second week acting on that desire. When I told my therapist last year that I desired to live with intention and be present, she challenged me to do just that. So, when she and I met a few weeks back, I told her how my resignation discussion went (I’ll give you the deets after my official last day of work). She then asked me what is one word that described my feelings at the time; my word was “joy.” Joy in knowing that I am free to live life on purpose and do the work God has placed in my heart.  

We went on to discuss what brings me joy and I shared with her my love for flowers and how I keep telling myself that I want to have fresh flowers in my home. Her next words were, “what’s stopping you.” I just sat and shook my head. The answer was nothing. Nothing, but the lack of action. If I truly desire to have fresh flowers and if a $8 bouquet of flowers makes me happy, I will take the 1-mile walk or drive to the store and take 5 minutes to design my bouquet. This is being intentional friend.

The last 2 weeks I have chosen to make my flower bouquet. Here is a short video of my DIY flowers. My daughter and I made our flower arrangement the first week and she loved it. I desire for my daughter to live her life free and with intention. In order for my daughter to understand living life with intention and doing what gives her joy, I have to show her that. She will want to emulate me if I live life on purpose. 

Friend I have a few questions for you: What gives you joy? How are you living life with intention? When you wake up in the morning what words comes to mind? Is there anything that you desire to do that you have been putting off? Let today be the day where you choose to start living life on purpose. 

Small things matter; a bouquet of flowers, having a picnic in the park, going for a walk. Do what matters. Do what gives you joy. Live with intention.  

Day 1 over 1 day.


Opportunities:Yep/Nope Challenge

What Do You Do with the Opportunities that You’ve Been Given?

Hello there! It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post. Sending my apologizes for not keeping up. Between work, home, social media posts, and expanding my biz life got a little busy. I can say that I’ve been sharing words of wisdom and encouragement on my IG and FB pages. If you’re needing some support and positivity head over and like Professor Epps.

Now back to the subject at hand: Opportunities. Opportunities are circumstances that arise and make something else possible. Opportunities are vast and varied. Opportunities include additional time, promotions, leadership, and more.

I was talking with my mother a couple of days ago about the students of Morehouse College that had their student loans paid off. We discussed what a blessing that was and how that opportunity can set the foundation for those gentlemen’s freedom.

What opportunities have you received this year? What opportunities are you manifesting that lead toward freedom? Over the last 2 months I have received multiple requests to speak at workshops and on podcasts. Let me be real with you….it felt nice to be wanted, especially after the cancellations of events due to COVID-19. My spirit was ignited when I received the e-mails. However, I did get discouraged because I couldn’t attend them all and honestly, I didn’t want to say yes to each opportunity. 

I teach protecting your peace and living intentionally. I believe in mindfulness and knowing your “why”. Every opportunity does not require or deserve a yes. Every opportunity does not lead you into the path of possibility, truth, or freedom. If “it” doesn’t uplift you or bring light, it’s not for you.

When you aren’t sure if you should say yes to new opportunities, take 15-30 minutes and jot down a pros and cons list. If your pros outweigh your cons you have your answer.

Live in truth. Live in peace. Live with intention. What God has for you is for you. Saying NO to 1 opportunity, opens your spirit to a bigger YES.

I have included a “Yep/Nope” Pros and Cons list for you. If you know who E-40 is or if you’re on TikTok you know the Yep/Nope challenge. Play E-40’s song, Choices and ask yourself some yes/no questions while you complete your pros and cons list. This is a lighthearted way to obtain clarity on those big opportunities or decisions. If you’re feeling “extra” you can make your 1st or 50th TikTok.


Social Media: Are You an Influencer?

Do you have social media? Do you check Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat on a regular basis? Social media has become one of the leading tools for communicating and marketing. I have accounts for IG and FB. I have friends with Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and more. Navigating social media can be a daunting task. I barely have enough time to scroll IG and FB; so, adding other platforms is out of the question for me. I’m just trying to #getmylife and learn how to engage on my FB/IG pages.

 As an entrepreneur, I have made several attempts to listen to podcasts, read articles, and read PDF files on Facebook and Instagram. I could never figure out the algorithms of social media. Therefore, when Facebook offered the “Boost with Facebook” event I had to make it to a few of the classes. My dear friend, Nicole, owner of Crumbles by Nicole, and I attended this event together. The goal was to glean some knowledge on how to expand our reach and knowledge of these platforms. I learned about multiple facets of Facebook, including the pixel, boosted posts versus Facebook ads, planning content, cross advertising between Facebook and Instagram, and more.  

This event was free over the course of 2 days. There were several topics that I was well versed in; such as stories, insights, and messages, and more. However, I must say the time I spent at the event was worth it. I received some exclusive information at this event and met several small business owners from the Atlanta area. The networking alone increased my awareness of various affordable marketing avenues; how to speak to my audience and ignited my excitement on the work that I do. 

Now, you may be asking how many followers did I get after this event? Answer……none. Attending the boost event was to obtain information that I could implement over time that would lead to me reaching more people in various manners and ultimately make a difference in my community. There isn’t any get rich quick scheme or an exact “how to” manual.

You may be saying to yourself, Stephanie what was the purpose of attending the Boost with facebook event if you didn’t gain 100s of followers afterwards? The purpose was to listen and to learn. If I don’t sit still and listen, I can’t grow.  

And to be honest with you, I do not care about being a social media influencer or having thousands of followers. Life and entrepreneurship go beyond social media. My mission is to inspire, educate, and empower men and women through yoga, health, and wellness. I am passionate about connecting with people that need healing, peace, and joy. I know my purpose in life is to help people reach their full potential through a holistic approach to life and overall wellness.

 Mental, physical, and spiritual wellness are a requirement for health. Social media and followers do not dictate who I am or the work that I am meant to do. My goal has never been to be an influencer. I desire to be a friend, a mentor, and a light worker. What do you desire? What is your passion? What is your purpose? I invite you to look at your heart, reflect on your spirit, and see what you are called to do. Resist the urge to let social media or followers determine your worth. Stand in your truth. Stand in your power and know that you are meant for more, much more than what the internet tells you. 

Wherever your purpose and passion lie, that is where you must do the work. Share your story and your vision, but resist getting sucked into the rabbit hole of what social media tells you to be. Walk in your passion, walk in your purpose, and #dothework.
