Health Is Wealth

2022 has arrived, the world is still crazy, and we are all just trying to keep our heads above water. I’m sure that with the new year, you are inundated with emails, commercials, and social media posts on weight loss, “detoxing,” clean eating, and “new year, new me” statements. Every year thousands of people make resolutions to change or make steps in a new direction.

Instead of resolving to do something, set an intention, or choose a word to guide your year. For 2022 my word of the year is possibility. In September 2021 I embarked on a program called 75 Hard.

My dear friend Nicole, owner of Crumbles by Nicole shared this program with me. Let me tell you about it. 75 Hard is 75 consecutive days of two 45 minute workouts (1 is supposed to be outside), a diet of your choice (I’m not a fan of dieting so I chose a healthy pescatarian nutrition plan), reading 10 pages of a nonfiction book, absence of alcohol consumption, no cheat meals, drink a gallon of water, and take a progress picture.

I chose 75 hard because I was in a “rut” with my nutrition. I was eating KitKats and kettle cooked chips 5 out of 7 days a week, eating unbalanced meals (or not eating), and my blood pressure was elevated (systolic 130s) at 2 separate doctor’s appointments. It was at my second appointment that I said I had to do something. Hypertension is hereditary in my family as it is for many other black and brown people. My parents have high blood pressure and my grandparents had it. At the time of my doctor’s appointment I knew that I could not continue on the salty and sweet path that led to taking antihypertensives. I did not want to take medication, nor did I want the repercussions of prolonged high blood pressure (headache, fatigue, dizziness, kidney disease, etc).

As a healthcare and wellness provider I believe in being an example to my patients and to my yoga students. I knew that I couldn’t out exercise a poor diet and had to take purposeful action for me to be well.

Nicole and I were at a local park walking when she told me about 75 Hard. I researched the program and made the decision to take back control of my life. You’re probably wondering was the program difficult; 1-word answer: yes. Although it was hard, the program was doable. The hardest part was making time for a second workout. After the first month things got easier. I mentally and physically felt better with more clarity and self-awareness. As a bonus I lost 14 pounds and my blood pressure decreased 20 points (now systolic 115). 

I coasted through the holidays and got sick at the first of the year. As I was recovering, I received some news about the healthcare of one my family members. I was informed that my loved one received a new diagnosis which is thought to be related to uncontrolled hypertension. This was confirmation that prioritizing physical and mental health is a requirement. There is nothing worth a decline in your health.

Health is wealth. There is no price one can place on health. I spoke with my family member for about 45 minutes regarding their diagnosis, treatment plan, and non pharmacological options. We discussed mindset and I shared my word of the year; “possibility.” What is possible when you choose to be intentional? How can your life change for the better?

Friend don’t resolve to be healthy, or to lose 20 pounds, or to sleep 8 hours a night. Instead be intentional, be purposeful with your wellness and self-care. Mental, physical, and spiritual health equals wealth.

If you need a little more self-care, a reduction in your stress, and relaxation join me for a livestream 30-minute stretch and restorative yoga class. Self-care, health, and wellness are your birthright. Make time to prioritize your health.

The first stretch, de-stress, and rest class for working women and mothers was on 1/16/2022. I am offering a second class on Sunday, 1/23/2022 at 8:30pm. Let this class be one of the intentional actions you take to improve your wellness. You deserve to have 30 minutes to focus on you.