Are You Living Intentionally?

Hey Friend!! I’m back! Bringing you another blog. It’s all about living with intention. Two weeks ago, I let you know that I am living life on purpose and making decisions to change the trajectory of my life. With the plan to live intentionally, I have to show up and do the work. If I tell you to do the work, I have to do the same.  

For the last 5 years I have been saying I want to have fresh flowers at my house. Not a big fancy bouquet from a florist; but a simple bouquet from my local market. This is my second week acting on that desire. When I told my therapist last year that I desired to live with intention and be present, she challenged me to do just that. So, when she and I met a few weeks back, I told her how my resignation discussion went (I’ll give you the deets after my official last day of work). She then asked me what is one word that described my feelings at the time; my word was “joy.” Joy in knowing that I am free to live life on purpose and do the work God has placed in my heart.  

We went on to discuss what brings me joy and I shared with her my love for flowers and how I keep telling myself that I want to have fresh flowers in my home. Her next words were, “what’s stopping you.” I just sat and shook my head. The answer was nothing. Nothing, but the lack of action. If I truly desire to have fresh flowers and if a $8 bouquet of flowers makes me happy, I will take the 1-mile walk or drive to the store and take 5 minutes to design my bouquet. This is being intentional friend.

The last 2 weeks I have chosen to make my flower bouquet. Here is a short video of my DIY flowers. My daughter and I made our flower arrangement the first week and she loved it. I desire for my daughter to live her life free and with intention. In order for my daughter to understand living life with intention and doing what gives her joy, I have to show her that. She will want to emulate me if I live life on purpose. 

Friend I have a few questions for you: What gives you joy? How are you living life with intention? When you wake up in the morning what words comes to mind? Is there anything that you desire to do that you have been putting off? Let today be the day where you choose to start living life on purpose. 

Small things matter; a bouquet of flowers, having a picnic in the park, going for a walk. Do what matters. Do what gives you joy. Live with intention.  

Day 1 over 1 day.
