Burnout is Real…..I’m “Retiring” from Academia

Tuesday was the day. After 5 years in higher education, I submitted my letter of resignation to my department chair. I have chosen to “retire” from formal education. I have been considering shifting my energy for about a year. My passion for teaching, leading, guiding, and supporting burns bright. That passion has transitioned to mentoring and encouraging busy professionals and moms who desire to overcome burnout, get unstuck, prioritize their wellness, and achieve their life’s dreams.

Are you an educator or know anyone in education? If you answered yes, you’re aware of the many facets of education. You have to teach, serve, complete continuing education, and participate in scholarly work (research, grants, publication, etc). You also volunteer or get volunteered for organizations, committees, and other jobs. The public doesn’t realize that the job goes beyond teaching.

I know, I didn’t fully comprehend all that was required when I accepted this position. I can say I have loved almost every moment teaching my students. As a clinician and an educator, when I taught coursework in my specialties of neuro, trauma, and critical care it was exciting and rewarding. I was in my element…the place where I thrived. I’m also “in my zone”, when I’m lecturing on research topics that matter to me.

I have received many emails and telephone calls over the years, from students with words of appreciation and acknowledgement of the time commitment and hard work that goes into education. Just this morning a student emailed me with words of thanks for writing a recommendation for a fellowship. This student was accepted for the first round of interviews (super pumped for her). It is these type of moments, that I frequently reflected upon, when considering “retiring” from my academia.

However, the gratitude of my students and my love for teaching were not enough to overcome feelings of burnout. I am constantly preaching and teaching wellness, self-care, and holistic practices. I have given multiple presentations and completed research on burnout. Preventing burnout is one of my passions. You know why? Let me tell you; it’s because I have experienced burnout and it sucks. Burnout leads to depression, anxiety, lack of interest, inability to focus, poor diet, and more. Burnout affects more than your work life. Burnout jacks up your personal life and your overall wellness.

If we have connected in “real life” or on social media, you know how I feel about burnout. There is no job or environment worth your health. I have worked throughout the day and night on course work, emails, research, and scholarly lectures. There came a point where I was receiving calls, emails and text messages well after the workday had ended and on the weekend.

This was affecting my home life. When work affects you as an individual and your family something has to change. It took some time for me to decide and realize that I was ready to transition. I spoke with my husband, my mother, and my therapist before making this informed decision. I desire to live my best life with intention. Friend, you get one life…One opportunity to do the work that you have been called to. You have to live life to its fullest.

There is a scripture that says, “No man knows the hour or day, not the angels of heaven, not the Son, but the Father Alone” (Matthew 24:36). This passage is in reference to God’s return. However, it is also applicable to your life. You nor I, know when our last breath will be. We don’t know how or when we will depart this earthly world. But what you and I do know, is that we will leave here one day.

No one likes to talk about death, but it’s real. Life and time earth side are finite. You deserve to live a holistic, empowered, and fulfilled life while you’re here. And you know what, so do I. God didn’t say it would be easy. Heck, if you have lived a bit, you know it ain’t easy.

Life is hard. But friend, there are many, many, many joyous days and wonderful experiences that you are deserving of. So, I ask you a few questions:

What do you desire? What gives you joy? Are you living life intentionally? Are you fulfilled? Have you found your purpose? What actions have you taken to show up for yourself?

I have found my purpose. I am aligned with God’s will for life and I’m here for it. I’m saying NO to burnout and YES to me. My goal is to Cultivate Yes, every day of my life.

I am “retiring” from formal education at the end of this semester (that’s one yes). Friend, I am so full of joy and excitement about my next. Life in my 30s is getting good. Burnout and fear have no home here.

If you are overworked, overwhelmed, burned out, lack self-care, and trying to balance all the crazy, we are the same. I’m challenging you to look at your life, seriously, put your glasses on and do an assessment of what is important, what needs to change, and how you (YOU) can take action to say no to burnout and yes to you.

Start living life with intention. Start living life on purpose. Start Cultivating Yes. 

Let today be your Day 1.