2019 basically said, "But Did you Die Though?"

Hey Fam!! It’s 2020 and I am sooooooo ready for all the goodness that this year has to offer. 2019 was ROUGH. Let me tell you again, 2019 was ROUGH. During a few father-daughter advice chats, my father has told me, “If you haven’t had a lil’ rain, wait a while.” You may be asking, what does that even mean? Well, let me tell me you; it means, if you haven’t had some bad days, just wait because you will experience a bad day; we all go through rough seasons, but we can overcome them.

Fam let me tell you, 2019 brought the rain, the storm, the hurricane, and then some! But I survived! We survived! We made it through! I know several of you responded to my last self-care blog sharing that life had been crazy and you let your self-care practice go. Well, I’m here to tell you, you are not alone.

In 2019, life tried to get the best of me. The outside world tried to bring me down, BUT I didn’t let it keep me down. I dealt with the crap and bad experiences. I dealt with the sadness, the self-doubt, the negative talk, and the idea that I’m not enough. I have dealt with all the bad juju and am ready to receive the abundance that God and the universe has for me. Are you ready to step into greatness? Are you ready to choose abundance? I’m talking about abundance of joy, peace, happiness, love, and wellness. As a bonus, I’m sure you are okay receiving abundance of finances too….I know I am; LOL!

Now, you may be thinking, here she comes with that “New Year, New Me” stuff; but no friend, that’s not what I’m about to say. Not at all. I let go of that “New Year, New Me” and “New Year’s Resolutions” stuff a few years ago. Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean I or you need to change or resolve to do something or become someone else.

Rather than resolving to do or be, I have chosen to live intentionally. I choose to live with the intention of being mindful and of being present in my self-care. I choose to live with the intention of self-love, of kindness, and of charity. I know that living intentionally will lead to the abundance and freedom that I deserve and that you deserve. I invite you to live intentionally, be present, and show up for yourself.

My 2020 has started off on a positive note. I feel at peace. I have joy. I’m in a really positive place with my spouse, my job, and with my business. As a small business owner, it’s a huge accomplishment to be able to pay all the expenses from the business account rather than from my family’s personal account. Two years later, my studio is finally in the black (#bigdeal) and I’m pumped. I’m not saying ISY is rolling in dough…..let’s be real I won’t be resigning from my employer, but it’s nice to finally see the tiny financial growth, when I’ve worked extremely hard to share the healing properties of yoga and meditation.

Here’s another positive tidbit for 2020: Two days ago, a local magazine, We Are Henry, published an article that I am featured in. The title of the article is “Movement as a Medicine.” When I saw the article, I teared up. It felt amazing to see my passion for wellness, yoga, and meditation on paper.

Let me tell you guys something, two years ago when I opened my first free standing studio, I wanted to advertise in this magazine, but I couldn’t afford it. You see how patience, persistence, and intentions pays off? I received a call in the Fall of 2019 about a wellness and yoga interview for the magazine. When, they asked me, you know I said yes.

I met with the author, Aisha at Starbucks and we talked and laughed for at least an hour. The magazine’s photographer came to one of my heated classes to take pictures for the article (he was surprised the class was hot) and I thought the photos would be awful because I was sweating like crazy and the class was sweating, so I just knew it was going to be a HOT mess (LOL). BUT fam I was wrong. I WAS WRONG. The pictures turned out amazing and the article was beautifully written.

If you’re still reading, I wrote all of the above to let you know it is important to live with intention. It is important to be patient, persistent, and resilient. When the dark days come, know that it’s not the end. You are not alone. The sun will come out again. Remember your self-care, remember your intentions.

If you enjoy yoga, or are interested in yoga, and are ready to set your intentions and visions for 2020 and beyond join me at my Yin Yoga & Vision Board Party on January 17th.

Sending you all love, light, and positive intentions for your year.

~Stephanie Epps
