Do you practice self-care? I thought I did until I found myself in a sad place.


Do You Practice Self-Care?

Self-care, what does that mean? The terminology self-care and self-love are used frequently. Self-care has become a mainstream topic in wellness and healthcare. Self-care as defined by Merriam-Webster is “care for oneself.” Webster also states self-care is “health care provided by oneself often without the consultation of a medical professional.” Do you have any self-care practices that you weave into your daily activities?

I am a medical professional as well as a wellness advocate but unfortunately, I have found myself running on empty (queue Big Sean’s I Know). I have been pouring from an empty cup. I always tell my patients, my nursing students, and yoga students how important it is to take care of themselves. I always ask what they are doing to destress, to relax, and find some peace of their mind, body, and soul. Somehow, I stopped taking my own advice.

2019 has been a hard year for me. A lot of crappy stuff happened. I usually cope well, but this year not so much. My journaling slowed, my asana and meditation practice slowed, and my cardiovascular routine slowed. I went on a yoga retreat in November, hoping to bounce back but on the way there I received a telephone call with more bad news. I was thinking man when it rains it freaking pours. While I was internally dealing with all of these jacked up things, I didn’t talk about it and didn’t work through it in my usual ways. Instead I continued to do all the things as if nothing was wrong; I finished my doctorate, worked my full time and part-time job, taught 7-10 yoga classes a week, and managed my studio.

In doing all the things and internalizing my problems, I seem to have lost my self-care in the process. I somehow found myself in a place of sadness. I found myself judging myself, being less forgiving of myself, and overall having poor self-worth and self-care. Have you every fallen prey to negative thoughts? Have you ever wanted to inspire and help people but internally you were at a loss for inspiration?

I am now in a place where I must tell myself “Stephanie it’s your time, Steph you are only given one life and you have to live it.” “Steph you are worthy, you are enough, and you deserve all the good things that are to come.” As I repeat my affirmations, I reflect on the small changes I have incorporated now rather than waiting for 2020. If I desire to love me, to choose me, then today is the day to start. One month ago, I joined Orange Theory Fitness, I’ve returned to journaling, meditating, and asana. I’m slowly getting back to me. I’m navigating my way to health and happiness through self-care.

If you struggle with self-worth and self-care below are a 15-self-care practices you can incorporate into your life.

1. Affirmations/Mantras

2. Daily walk without music/cell phone

3. Meditation

4. Take a long bath/shower

5. Therapy/counseling

6. Yoga/meditation

7. Massage

8. Journal

9. Take your full lunch break at work

10. Use your vacation days (even if you are staying home)

11. Practice a full day of rest

12. Embrace stillness and quiet

13. Learn something new

14. Unplug from technology and social media for a day

15. Sleep