Boundaries, How Many of Us Have Them?

Hey Fam! How are ya’ll doing? I’m A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Let me say it again in my excited voice: I AM A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Ya’ll, I feel so free. Utterly free!

Yes, I know I’m crazy blogging. Is crazy blogging a thing? IDK but I feel so good. I have to tell ya’ll why. It’s because of Boundaries. My freedom, peace, and joy are because of the word “NO.” I’m 35 years old and I finally do not feel guilty for telling someone no. Maintaining my boundaries contributes to feeling free and protecting my peace.

Ya’ll know I’m constantly saying protect your peace and stand in your truth. I tell you that because you deserve to speak openly and be at peace with your words and decisions. Over the course of 2020, I have done A LOT of work on my boundaries. I have delved deep into my personal self-study, reflection, and deconstruction of the programming of society.

I have to be truthful. The process was U-G-L-Y. Do ya’ll know that old school cheer? U-G-L-Y, You Ain’t Got No Alibi, You ugly? If you don’t know it, here’s clip of the cheer from the movie, Wildcats.

I know I’m not ugly. My soul, my heart, and my outer being are beautiful. But the process of breaking down the chains of programming, fear, and passivity were ugly.  Ya’ll I have sat in discomfort. I have journaled. I have questioned myself, my choices, and what’s next. The answers I always received were truth. In life we already have the answers. We already know what we need to do, but fear of hurting someone or disappointing others or ourselves keeps us bound. It’s that fear that prevents us from maintaining our boundaries. 

I have been working with Tee Brooks, a sociologist, mindfulness teacher, and transformative wellness coach on my boundaries. This work has been life changing. Just a mere 7 months ago, I was a pushover. I always put everyone else first. I adjusted things to fit others needs rather than my own. I changed my business to accommodate other people.

PSA! PSA! If you’re an entrepreneur don’t do that. Make your business work for you. Be in control. Be a leader.

Let me tell you, I would let people (friends, family, colleagues, etc) have their way at my detriment. Ya’ll don’t be like me. Be better than me.

Yesterday, was a huge step for me. I lost a friend over maintaining my boundaries. You know what? I’m not sad and I’m not angry about it. I actually felt sooooo good about the work I have done for me, that I wrote this blog. I won’t go into the details of what transpired, but I will say that you will lose some friends, family, and other associates over protecting yourself. Know that it will happen, and it will be okay. The people that are for you and who understand boundaries will respect your boundaries and support you. 

Don’t be afraid of saying “NO.” Don’t be afraid of putting your needs first. When you do the deep work, your eyes, your heart, and your spirit will lift. Friend, the feeling of freedom is like no other. I welcome freedom. I invite you to do the deep work that leads to peace and freedom.

You deserve to protect your peace, affirm yourself, and to maintain your boundaries. Learn to say the word “no” without guilt. If you need help with boundaries, contact Tee Brooks. This is not an ad. I only share information, strategies, and products that I actually have experienced the benefits of.

If you’re ready to let go of fear, check out my Empowered Living: Fear Setting program. It was released last week.

I want to leave you with 5 ways to mindfully and peacefully say “NO.”

1. No thank you.

2. I’m not interested.

3. I’m honored but I can’t.

4. My schedule is full.

5. I am not taking on additional responsibilities.

Friend, if you know anyone who can benefit from this blog, make sure to share it with them. #protectyourpeace #maintainyourboundaries #sayno