A Letter of Gratitude

It is the week of Thanksgiving. We are living, loving, hustling, and working. In all the things, you are being reminded to be grateful. You are being reminded to be appreciative of family, friends, health, your job, etc.

In this time of year where we discuss gratitude and appreciation on a higher level, have you taken a moment to be thankful for you? Have you told yourself good job? Have you stepped back to appreciate you? Most likely, I imagine that you haven’t.  

Yesterday, I wrote myself a letter. Do you know why I wrote it? Probably not. The reason I wrote this letter was to remind myself that I’m doing the work, that I’m valuable, that I matter, and that I’m seen. I wrote this letter in affirmation of the work that I’m doing. I wrote this letter in appreciation of me.

I wrote this letter as a reminder that I don’t need anyone else to validate me. I don’t need anyone else to tell me “good job.” Instead, I (Stephanie Epps) need to validate myself. I need to show myself appreciation and love. Compassion, gratitude, and love start with self. It’s difficult to show someone else compassion, gratitude, or love when you don’t show them to you.

Below is my short letter. After you read it, I invite you to stop and spend 5 minutes to write your own letter of appreciation. You have 5 minutes. You are worth 5 minutes to say thank you, to you.

A letter to myself:

Hey Sis 👑!

I see you: Glowing, Shining, Working, Caring, Teaching, Dreaming, Manifesting, and Showing Up!

You’re a dope soul!

That smile looks so GOOD on you. Your eyes are bright; they are full of light and joy.

All, that hard work you’re doing is paying off. You are impacting people’s lives every day. You are helping people heal, stand in their power, and go after their goals.

Sis, keep up the good work.

Continue. Keep showing up. Keep doing the work. Stay the course.

You got this!

