Opportunity Knocks What Will You Do?

Opportunity Knocks What Will You Do?

Each day is a new opportunity; another chance to say yes to what brings you joy. Every day is a gift. What did you do with your gift today?

When you awoke this morning, what was the first action you took? Did you check your e-mail, peruse social media, pray, meditate, or did you say, “thank you Lord for another day”? I imagine that the majority of people scrolled social or checked e-mail. From there you got started with your day: morning care, breakfast/coffee, drop off the kiddos, and head to work.

At some point you logged in or should I say you attempted to log into social media, and nothing would load. How many times did you turn your cell phone or tablet off? Did you reset your device? Or perhaps you deleted the apps and then reinstalled them only to realize you still could not access your favorite content creator or influencers post, story, or reel.

What did you do when you finally accepted that Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp were not available? How did you fill your time?

Time is a gift. Time is a blessing. Time is an opportunity.

So today opportunity knocked. Today you had time. Today you had space; you were not distracted by social. Today you didn’t waste time.  

Friend let’s be real, social media is designed to suck you in and have you scrolling for minutes to hours on end, ultimately wasting time, energy, and emotions. Social has been found to negatively affect people’s self-esteem and self-worth. 

But NOT TODAY. Today you didn’t get sucked in. Today you didn’t waste time or energy. Today the filters and social media gurus didn’t have you second guessing who you were. 

I’m going to ask you again, how did you fill your time? What did you do when you couldn’t log onto social media?

My guess is, you were productive, effective, and efficient. My guess is you were present on your job and most importantly with your family. How did it feel to get stuff done? How did it feel to look your coworker and family in the eye and have dynamic and engaging conversation? 

If I was a gambling woman, I would bet $500 on double zero on roulette table that being off social media was nice. You finally had some breathing room. I bet you were super productive. You got your work done, maybe ran some errands, cooked dinner, and had quality time with the people who truly matter to you.

Friend, social media is not real life; it’s only a small glimpse into other people’s lives. Your life—the life you lead off the internet is REAL. Your life is what matters. How you spend your time and how you expend your energy are opportunities.  

Your time is an opportunity to be great, to do the things that you dream of, to live and stop watching other people’s lives. 

I challenge you today to start living. Friend start logging off of social media. Set limitations on how long you access apps that are distractions. 

It is time to dream big, to do the inner work, and take action to capitalize on your opportunities. Time is finite. Opportunities come and go. Don’t miss out on your blessing. Don’t miss out on life while watching someone else’s. 

If I can support or encourage on this journey called life, you know how to reach me: Stephanie@professorepps.com.

Now, Go be great! Day 1 over 1 day. 

Peace and Blessings,
