"Perks" of Retiring from Higher Education

Hey Friends! Hope you are well and filled with peace. It’s been 2 months since my last blog post. Let me catch you up on life and allllll the things. 

The last few months have been filled with loving on my princess and hubby. We have traveled, laughed, and swam to our hearts content. I’ve maintained my commitment to only work 2-3 days a week at my NP job and I’ve grown my business.

I chose to retire from education because my heart was called to something different. Teaching other people how to overcome burnout and live intentionally is what I enjoy. I love helping, teaching, encouraging, and supporting.

Stepping out on faith was hard. Leaving a job with financial security, retirement, and excellent benefits was and still is scary.

It has been 3 months and I haven’t missed a beat or had to sacrifice my wants or needs. I’m not saying that you or anyone should quit their job. What I am saying is live life on purpose, plan, do the work, and take action. God will provide. If you do your part, he will do his.

Last month, I finally returned to pre-Covid sales in my business. I have faith that my business will continue to thrive because of the energy I expend towards it and towards my family.

Living with intention matters. Waking up every day I decide how my day will go. I no longer hold any resentment or negative feelings about what I can’t do because of work.

I am blessed to be able to decide what I do and where I go when I want to. Other than discussing my plans with my spouse, I don’t have to consult anyone or figure out how I can “make it work.”

As a professor I didn’t receive PTO/vacation days. There was no opportunity to take a vacation outside of Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, or spring break (2021 there was no spring break). In the last 3 months, I have set personal and professional boundaries, traveled, and rested.

Faculty were required to return to school for Fall 2021 the day my daughter had her first day of school. My daughter is 5 and this year (last week) was her first time going to school. My mother has cared for my daughter when my husband and I had to work.

If I had not transitioned away from higher education, I would not have been able to take her to school or pick her up.  For 5 years, my husband and I have been unable to travel to celebrate our anniversary because of mandatory university requirements.  Last week was the first of many great experiences. Next week I have the opportunity to attend a weeklong conference in support of downtown and economic development. If I were teaching, I would not have been able to attend this conference.

Additional “perks” of no longer teaching are:

1. Researching topics of my own interest,

2. Limiting email/internet communication

3. Improved attitude

4. More energy

5. More joy

6. Happiness

7. Quality time with friends and family

To clear the air, I didn’t hate my job. I actually enjoyed teaching and observing my students excel. Although, I liked teaching, I knew that I was not operating in all of my gifts.

God has a purpose for each of us. It is up to you to follow your purpose and do the work.

What do you desire? What actionable steps are you willing to take to transform your life? If there is a dream that you have, I invite you to write it down and start working on it. 

Why not you? Do it scared. Permit your faith to be bigger than your fear.

Day 1 over 1 day.
