You Can't Do Life Alone

2020 has been a beast. I thought 2019 was crazy, but OMG 2020 came in hot and it’s gotten hotter. COVID-19, cultural appropriation, protests, riots, killing of transgender people, loss of jobs, social distancing, quarantine, and the loss of communication and connection with friends and family--are just a few of the things we have all had to manage.

I know that you have been impacted by so much this year. Sadness, anger, grief, and anxiety are just a few words that many people have shared with me regarding how they have felt throughout the year.

I imagine this year has been difficult to navigate emotionally and physically. I have a few questions for you: how are you managing it all? How are you protecting your peace? Have you been able to connect with friends and family from a distance? If you haven’t now is the time. Choose today rather than waiting until tomorrow. Day 1>one day.

I shared with you a few weeks ago that I had a zoom girl’s night with some of my closest friends this summer. It was great. We have a group text feed that has been an essential way we have communicated.

I have been trying to consistently check in via text and telephone with friends and family to let my people know they are not alone. In this season of social distancing, quarantine, and loss it is easy to feel alone and that you have to do it all. I know you are STRONG, CAPABLE, and INDEPENDENT.

But friend remember, you DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALL. You can take time to for you. It’s okay to step back and ask for help. Call or text a friend and let them know you need a listening ear or some extra support.

This past week in our Goal Setting Roadmap to Success program we talked about support systems and accountability.  According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a “support system is a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support.” A support system for this journey of life is a requirement. Support goes beyond working toward a goal. Support is needed to make it through the trials of life. Support is needed to combat the loneliness of quarantine.

My friend you cannot do life alone. When you are seeking freedom from sadness, guilt, and loss, you need a person or your people.  Although, I am one of the “strong friends” I too feel sad on occasion and need up lifting.

I am so blessed to have people who check on me and send me prayers and positive thoughts. I called a friend of mine this week and just shared with her how I was feeling down. I didn’t need her to do anything but just to be there. And guess what, that’s just what she did. She listened and held space for me. It was cathartic and the perfect reminder that we all need support.

Friend if you haven’t checked in on your people in a while because life is busy, take a moment to send a quick text or call. If you need a little extra support let go of fear, let go of idea of judgement, and let your person know you need them.

Remember you cannot do life alone. We rise by lifting each other up. Know that I’m here for you too. We can chat over tea via zoom or skype if you need.

Sending peace and light during the storm.

Just a few of my people.

Just a few of my people.