SELF CARE: I Converted My Laundry Room into My Zen Den

Hey Fam!

I’m a wife, working mom, and small business owner. I pour my time and energy into other people every day—my family, my patients, my students, and my yoga clients. When I get home from a long day I want to chill out and do nothing. Sound familiar? Do you also make time for everyone else but don’t have time for you?

 Well fam, let me tell you—in my house everyone has a space to relax and enjoy; princess has a play room (it used to be my reading nook) and my husband has a billiards room. I felt that I didn’t have a space for myself—a place just for me to breathe and be. So, over the last few months I felt the need to design a child free, spouse free area for myself.

The Zen Den has been in my heart and on my mind for a while. I wanted my own oasis of peace; somewhere I could go to chill and relax alone. On Mother’s Day 2020, The Zen Den came to exist.

My Zen Den is a laundry room conversion……well actually the washer and dryer are still in the space but my hubby helped me remove all the clutter and storage, and organize and design the area to fit my needs. The Zen Den isn’t fancy or something off of HGTV, but it is perfect for me.

I have my spin bike set up, ceiling fans, my yoga mat, cushions, blankets, my singing bowls, drum, ukulele, and some of my plant babies in one space. Over the last four weeks I have been able to relax, exercise, and work on growing my small business in the Zen Den. 

I told my husband and daughter that when the door to the Zen Den is closed that no one can enter unless it is an emergency (lol…yep I sure did). This is called self-care and protecting my peace. Friend, you too can tell your family or friends you need space. It is not selfish to put your needs first. It is not selfish to acknowledge that you need to refill your cup. It is not selfish to relax or relish in some alone time.

Once you realize that your needs are just as important as anyone else’s, you can let go of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty regarding your self-care needs. You deserve some time for you. You deserve peace. You deserve rest. You deserve restoration. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

I implore you to find a self-care regimen and release any guilt that arises regarding your needs. You are important. You are worthy. You are deserving. 

Sending virtual hugs,

