Demystifying Yoga

Demystifying Yoga

Demystifying Yoga: Yoga Facts or Fiction?

Hey Friend! I’m sure you have read or heard all sorts of things about what yoga is or isn’t. In its simplest definition, yoga means to unite or yoke. There are 8 limbs of yoga. You likely mostly know about the physical postures or meditation. The practice of yoga is much more than moving your body or sitting in stillness. Yoga is a philosophy that is designed to help us be our best selves. This practice unites our mind, body, and spirit.

Today I’m going to give you 5 Statements regarding yoga. I want you to guess if it’s fact or fiction.

1. I must be flexible to do yoga.


False! False! False! Friend you do not, I repeat you do not need to be flexible to do yoga. The physical yoga practice can be accessible for everyone. You can use different tools such as blocks, straps (think a belt), and chairs to help make the physical postures more comfortable for your body.

2. Yoga is only for women.


False again! Yoga was originally practiced and taught by men. In the US, we see more women than men practicing yoga. However, men need yoga just as much as women.

3. Yoga can improve my health.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Yoga has been found to improve cardiovascular function, strength, pain, anxiety, depression, and more. Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, and Physical Therapists often suggest yoga as a health and wellness options for their patients.

4. I have to sit completely still when I meditate.


Another falsehood! When you meditate, find a comfortable seat or position and use any props that allow you to maintain your position. You can adjust or scratch an itch if it arises. All you need to do is return to recognizing your breath and focus on being in the moment.

5. Yoga is a religion.


You’re probably saying, really? Steph, are you sure it’s not a religion? Yes, I am sure. Yoga does have ancient root and ties to Hinduism, however it is not a religion. Once again, Yoga is not a religion. In actuality, yoga is a philosophy that guides your way of living. The ultimate goal of the practice it to be the best person that you can be from within. Yoga is not about outer worship but exploring the depths of your being.

Let’s tally up your points. How many answers did you get correct?

5 answers correct: You are well informed about yoga

4 answers correct: You know some facts about yoga

3 or less answers correct: You learned a few things after reading this blog.

I appreciate you taking a few minutes to open your mind to learn a few truths about yoga. If you’re interested in joining me for some yoga and wellness tutorials. Head on over to my YouTube page (Professor Epps) and get started on your yoga journey.