Stay Calm and Breathe: Words from a 3 year old

Guess what, I get anxious and nervous. Yes, me Stephanie, the yoga studio owner, the nurse practitioner, the professor, the healer. I am a light worker and feelings of anxiety and apprehension arise. My palms become wet, I began to sweat, and my heart rate rises. Are you surprised? If so, don’t be. We all get nervous in life; but what matters is how we respond. What matters is our coping mechanisms. How often do you feel anxious or nervous? What tools do you use to help?

About a month ago, I was involved in a car accident. My daughter and mother were passengers in the vehicle. This accident occurred less than a mile from my home…..not surprising as research says most accidents occur less than 5 miles from peoples’ homes. Let me tell you a brief overview of what happened.

I was driving home from having lunch with my mother and daughter. We were going through the green light when someone turned left rather than waiting. I slammed on brakes but there was nothing I could do to avoid the collision. The airbags deployed, my car was smoking, and I completely lost my breath for a moment. Then I realized Steph, get out of the car, get your family out of this car. I looked over to my mom and asked if she was okay. She said she thinks so, but she was hit in the head by the air bag. I took a deep breath and I heard my daughter crying. My mother said, Stephanie the car was smoking. I moved into action. I unbuckled my seatbelt. I got out of the car and hurriedly got my daughter out of her car seat. We went stand on the curb and 3 angels appeared. A couple in a truck were calling the police and asking if we were okay. Another lady was present saying she saw the accident and asking how she could help.

I was holding my three-year-old, she was so upset that’s she was crying uncontrollably. I held her and tried to comfort and told her that everything was going to be okay. She began to settle, and her cries were gentler. My mother was standing next to me and said, Steph your hand. I look down and the skin was off a portion of my right hand and wrist. There were others areas that were black and burned. I looked over to my left hand and there was a small burn there a well. I didn’t realize I was hurt but when I did the pain began. My hand began to feel as if it were burning from the inside out.

The fireman and paramedics arrived. They took me to the ambulance, treated my wound, and educated me on the airbag burn. I tried to listen to what they were saying but the pain was so severe. Other than childbirth I had never experienced such pain in my life. The first responders assessed my vital signs and as you would suspect my blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rates were elevated. Often times in acute (new) pain this occurs. I tried to relax, and the heat just kept building. The paramedics tried to wrap my hand, but the pain intensified. It was as if the bandage trapped the heat inside my hand and I told the gentleman “you got to take this off. You’re making it worse.” He proceeded to remove the wrap and the pain decreased. His team gave me wound supplies but suggested I go to the pharmacy for other materials. I work in healthcare and I know how crazy the ER can be, so I took the paramedics advice in regard to home treatment versus going to the ER.  My daughter and mother were assessed as well. My mother had called my husband by this time. He had arrived, and we all left.

We proceeded to the local pharmacy less than .2 miles away. I stepped out of the car and the fire of hell sensation returned to my hand. I could literally feel my heart rate rising and my heart beating in my chest. I became short of breath and felt like I wasn’t going to make it into the store. My husband had already got my daughter out of the car. She looked at me and said “mommy, stay calm and breathe.”

That statement was the most profound words I could have heard in that moment. I looked at her and said, “thank you.” Stay calm and breathe was exactly what I needed to do to help myself relax and find a way to manage my pain and control my breathing.  You may be asking yourself did it help, and the answer is YES. Focusing on my breath and clearing my mind helped me control my breathing and better tolerate the pain.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been seeing doctor’s, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants for this burn. The treatment plan is working, my hand is getting better. I should hopefully be out of the wrap in the next week or so.  

Beyond the plan of care from the healthcare personnel, what has been most helpful in my healing process is my daughters voice saying, “stay calm and breathe.” When life throws you a curve ball, when you feel anxious, pain, or completely unsure of what to do, I invite you to breathe. Close your eyes, allow your shoulders to fall away from your ears, and began to inhale and exhale slowly. Let your lungs fully inflate and deflate. Feel a since a calm wash over you. Know that you are okay. You will be okay. If mantras or affirmations resonate with your spirit, silently say to yourself, “I am calm, I am calm, I am calm.”

Stay Calm and Breathe.

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Social Media: Are You an Influencer?

Do you have social media? Do you check Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat on a regular basis? Social media has become one of the leading tools for communicating and marketing. I have accounts for IG and FB. I have friends with Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and more. Navigating social media can be a daunting task. I barely have enough time to scroll IG and FB; so, adding other platforms is out of the question for me. I’m just trying to #getmylife and learn how to engage on my FB/IG pages.

 As an entrepreneur, I have made several attempts to listen to podcasts, read articles, and read PDF files on Facebook and Instagram. I could never figure out the algorithms of social media. Therefore, when Facebook offered the “Boost with Facebook” event I had to make it to a few of the classes. My dear friend, Nicole, owner of Crumbles by Nicole, and I attended this event together. The goal was to glean some knowledge on how to expand our reach and knowledge of these platforms. I learned about multiple facets of Facebook, including the pixel, boosted posts versus Facebook ads, planning content, cross advertising between Facebook and Instagram, and more.  

This event was free over the course of 2 days. There were several topics that I was well versed in; such as stories, insights, and messages, and more. However, I must say the time I spent at the event was worth it. I received some exclusive information at this event and met several small business owners from the Atlanta area. The networking alone increased my awareness of various affordable marketing avenues; how to speak to my audience and ignited my excitement on the work that I do. 

Now, you may be asking how many followers did I get after this event? Answer……none. Attending the boost event was to obtain information that I could implement over time that would lead to me reaching more people in various manners and ultimately make a difference in my community. There isn’t any get rich quick scheme or an exact “how to” manual.

You may be saying to yourself, Stephanie what was the purpose of attending the Boost with facebook event if you didn’t gain 100s of followers afterwards? The purpose was to listen and to learn. If I don’t sit still and listen, I can’t grow.  

And to be honest with you, I do not care about being a social media influencer or having thousands of followers. Life and entrepreneurship go beyond social media. My mission is to inspire, educate, and empower men and women through yoga, health, and wellness. I am passionate about connecting with people that need healing, peace, and joy. I know my purpose in life is to help people reach their full potential through a holistic approach to life and overall wellness.

 Mental, physical, and spiritual wellness are a requirement for health. Social media and followers do not dictate who I am or the work that I am meant to do. My goal has never been to be an influencer. I desire to be a friend, a mentor, and a light worker. What do you desire? What is your passion? What is your purpose? I invite you to look at your heart, reflect on your spirit, and see what you are called to do. Resist the urge to let social media or followers determine your worth. Stand in your truth. Stand in your power and know that you are meant for more, much more than what the internet tells you. 

Wherever your purpose and passion lie, that is where you must do the work. Share your story and your vision, but resist getting sucked into the rabbit hole of what social media tells you to be. Walk in your passion, walk in your purpose, and #dothework.


Heart Racing, Short of Breath, Stressed, & Anxious…..Tips to Relax and Find Calm

Do you have a high stress career? Do you have a stressful home life? If so, you may identify with my past experiences working full-time in a high stress job. You likely can use a few “tools” to add to your coping toolbox.  I used to work for my healthcare organization full-time; but a few years ago, I transitioned to PRN (as needed). Transitioning to PRN is much more manageable and has increased my enjoyment, satisfaction, and love for the job. I now work one day a week and pick up extra days and call to help out the team. Working 60 hours a week and taking call five, 24-hour call days a month in a level one trauma center was overwhelming, and it prevented be from being my best self. My spouse is a blessing and he always gives 100% at home and at work. His support made home life much better) but I still felt overwhelmed at home because of all the things I couldn’t do, because I didn’t energy or the desire after leaving work …it’s hard to have it all (wife, mother, career, etc). The goal of this blog is to share some techniques to help manage stress and allow your mind and body to relax.

Today is August 26th. It is the end of the month and I have taken 4 call days this month. I haven’t taken call in over 4 months and it was a shock to be back “in the trenches”. As an NP in my organization, call encompasses receiving in-patient and ER consults from a 600+ bed hospital, transfers from outside hospitals that need a higher level of care and consults on trauma patients. In addition, I have to answer nursing calls about patients, assist in surgery, and perform other procedures. It is a very rewarding job, but also very stressful and often times sad or emotionally draining. It’s a choice to work in healthcare. It is a choice to give selflessly and I love it. However, it in the past it has challenged my physical and emotional abilities to withstand the demand, the stress, and the loss of patients. This career has limited my availability for my family and ability to pour energy into others after being on call and working so many hours.

When I was full time at my organization and was on call 5 or more times per month, I felt depleted, drained, and utterly blank when it was over. Working PRN and incorporating yoga and meditation has improved my life and my overall well-being at work and outside of work. I have learned to manage the stress and to breathe through the overwhelming situations. This allows me to be level headed and feel a state of calm. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t look forward to being on call now. However, I have learned to use principles from yoga and pranayama (breathing techniques) to manage feelings of stress.

 I have several friends and colleagues who also work in healthcare and high stress jobs including the military and first responders. They have repeatedly told me they experience tachycardia (elevated heart rate), anxiety, and shortness of breath in their jobs. I have shared several breathing techniques with my friends to help manage the feelings of dread, stress, and anxiety.  Box breathing is my pranayama of choice when I am 10 consults in and still have many hours remaining of call. I have shared box breathing AKA 4-count breath with several friends in the healthcare field. They have been using it at work and outside of work and report that it helps calm their body and clear their mind.

Now you may ask, what is this 4-count breath, and will it work. Well friends, I will list the “how to” for the 4-count breath below. As far as will it work? YES, it will work if you’re open to trying it. If you’re closed off to the possibility of breathing and meditation techniques helping, then it won’t help. You, my friend have a choice. You can choose to try something new, to be open to possibility, to embrace a calm state of being…..or you can choose to remain stressed rather than employing tools to make your situation better.  

Box Breathing step-by-step:

Empty your lungs, Inhale over a count of 4, hold your breath for 4, exhale for 4, hold your breath for 4. Repeat for 3-5 minutes.

 A few other methods to help with stress are taking a short walk, repeating a mantra or affirmation such as “I am peace” or “I am calm” 10-15 times. With each inhalation and exhalation silently state your affirmation. If you work in a corporate job or have an office, you can lay down on your sofa with an eye pillow for 5 minutes. You can also lay your forehead on your desk and apply lavender or chamomile oil to your head (third eye center) and sit for 5 minutes. At home you can add lavender or another preferred essential oil to your bath, take a 30-minute walk outside, or listen to a guided meditation.

If you choose to be a yes to yourself, a yes to calm, a yes to peace, then start today; when you began to feel your heart rate quicken or your palms began to sweat, or your thoughts become jumbled, repeat your affirmation silently or aloud, and breathe. Know that you are calm, you are resilient, you are powerful, and you are worthy. Give it a try and let me know how these options help you.


Comparison is the Thief of Joy

One week ago, I attend the Dirty South Yoga Fest. If you read my prior blog, you already know this. Last week I promised that I would write about my experience and as the week progressed, I felt led to do more than recap my experience. I am going to tell you all about the weekend but there’s more, there’s deeper work, soul searching work that occurred after the festival.

On Friday night, my friend and fellow yoga sister, Rose and I attended the DSYF kick-off party which included yoga, mantra, and music. Ruby Velle, Ziggy Moon, and Charisse Williams have beautiful voices. Their soulful class was a reminder that yoga is more than asana. Yoga off the mat is why I do this work and they reinforced, that I’m on the right path to inspire and help people take yoga into their daily lives. There were several vendors present including the designer of possibility bags, Emily, owner of I bought one of her free spirit crossbody bags at last year’s festival. This year I picked up the SoulMate, and trust it holds all the things. Love this bag! If you have been thinking about getting one of her bags, you won’t regret your purchase. Other vendors present included massage therapist, Bela, Ketel One Botanical, Haven, Doctor D’s (amazing sparkling probiotic beverage…. grape is my favorite), and several local jewelry designers.

 On Saturday I attended 2 power yoga classes and a candlelight Yin class. As much as a I love power, my heart flutters for stillness. The Yin class was led by Laura Clower. It was a great balance to the heat and flow of the power classes. I wanted to attend Yoga Playground with Eazy on Saturday evening but couldn’t attend due to personal obligations. I have yet to make it to one of his classes in Atlanta yet but it is on my list.

Sunday, I started the day with the Queen of Chill, Mrs. Octavia Raheem. Every time I attend Octavia’s class my spirit is moved. She speaks to my soul. Octavia has an aura of peace and tranquility that makes me feel that all is right in this world. If you haven’t had the opportunity to take her class or attend one of her workshops, I implore you to go ahead and sign up. You won’t regret it. After Octavia’s class I attended Core for Inversions with Dominique Davis. Dominique’s class motivated me to return to practicing arm balances and inversions. This week I’ve caught a little hang time in Pinchamayurasa. Don’t get me wrong a little hang time is great, but I have to keep practicing and must maintain the basic foundations and drills that result in holding inversions and arm balance poses. The last class I attended was the SoundEmbrace sound bath. The compilation of gongs, shamanic drums, and the crystal bowls were spiritually and emotionally healing. Sound healing is transformative. The vibrations and sound shift your awareness and perspective of healing from inside out. I have attended several sound baths in the past and was floored by Danielle and her team.

Following the last class of the day there was a wellness bazaar that included vendors, healers, practitioners, and acroyoga. For those that are local to Atlanta I recommend you attend the Dirty South Yoga Fest. You will grow as a practitioner and find a community of yogis that you might not have ever met. I met 5 people that I immediately clicked with and we connected on social media and plan to support each other’s classes and events. Yoga is community. There is a place for us all here.

If you’re still reading here lies the deeper work, the crux of this blog. Throughout the DSYF weekend, yoga teachers, friends, and social media friends repeatedly asked, “Are you teaching this weekend,” “What class are you teaching;” I informed them that I wasn’t teaching any classes. The follow up question was, “Why not.” I didn’t really have an answer. Over this last week, I have mulled over “why not” and I have come to the conclusion that the answer is fear. The fear of no one showing up, fear of comparison to others, fear of not being chosen. Fear will mess with your head and your heart. Fear has no place in my heart nor does it have a place in yours. Fear keeps us stagnant, bound, and trapped. I’m a modest, easy going person. I cheerlead, encourage, and support everyone else; however, I find it difficult to cheer for myself. I wonder why that is. Is it the concept that I’m not enough or that I don’t deserve “this” or perhaps the idea that I should stay quiet rather than speak up?

My friend and yoga teacher, Shelley Lowther (@thisbadasslife on IG) says take up space, be loud. So here I stand ready to take up space, to stand in my power, and be loud. I release fear, I release uncertainty, and I release the act of thinking small. I choose power, I choose peace, and I choose greatness. I choose to step into possibility. I choose to be a YES to Stephanie. I choose to be a YES to all that God and the universe has for me. So, with that being said, this last week I dove head first into expansion and possibility. I have contacted several organizations for collaborative opportunities. I submitted to be a presenter at a yoga festival in another state (I can’t believe I did it). I think what’s hardest about submitting a proposal is the possibility that the answer will be no. I have learned that if I never try, I won’t ever know if there is an option of a yes because I chose fear over possibility.

Earlier this year I submitted to present on yoga and meditation at a runner’s conference and I received a notification that I wasn’t chosen. I wasn’t “in my feelings” about being told no, but I do think that not being chosen slowed my momentum. I began to compare myself to others…. which is never a good idea. I was comparing my mission, physical appearance, teaching style, accomplishments, social media, etc. I was in a training class this spring with Shelley and a group of yogis from around Atlanta when we were having a discussion on a topic (I can’t remember the topic) when she quoted Thomas Jefferson. The quote is “comparison is the thief of joy.” That quote was mind blowing. It was as if I came out of this fog and could finally see clearly. I couldn’t believe that after all that I had done in my life, and all the work I continue to do, that I found myself living in the shadows and letting comparison weigh me down. Comparison is a natural part of life, but I choose not to dwell in it anymore. Now, whenever I begin to compare myself, I repeat “comparison is the thief of joy.” I then let the comparison go and know that I am content (santosha) where I am and know that opportunities to change lives are endless.  Comparison has no place in my heart and neither does fear. I am looking forward to this next year. I don’t know exactly what is to come but I do know that greatness lies ahead.

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